类 PermissionAttachment


public class PermissionAttachment extends Object
Holds information about a permission attachment on a Permissible object
  • 构造器详细资料

    • PermissionAttachment

      public PermissionAttachment(Plugin plugin, Permissible Permissible)
  • 方法详细资料

    • getPlugin

      public Plugin getPlugin()
      Gets the plugin responsible for this attachment
      Plugin responsible for this permission attachment
    • setRemovalCallback

      public void setRemovalCallback(PermissionRemovedExecutor ex)
      Sets an object to be called for when this attachment is removed from a Permissible. May be null.
      ex - Object to be called when this is removed
    • getRemovalCallback

      public PermissionRemovedExecutor getRemovalCallback()
      Gets the class that was previously set to be called when this attachment was removed from a Permissible. May be null.
      Object to be called when this is removed
    • getPermissible

      public Permissible getPermissible()
      Gets the Permissible that this is attached to
      Permissible containing this attachment
    • getPermissions

      public Map<String,Boolean> getPermissions()
      Gets a copy of all set permissions and values contained within this attachment.

      This map may be modified but will not affect the attachment, as it is a copy.

      Copy of all permissions and values expressed by this attachment
    • setPermission

      public void setPermission(String name, boolean value)
      Sets a permission to the given value, by its fully qualified name
      name - Name of the permission
      value - New value of the permission
    • setPermission

      public void setPermission(Permission perm, boolean value)
      Sets a permission to the given value
      perm - Permission to set
      value - New value of the permission
    • unsetPermission

      public void unsetPermission(String name)
      Removes the specified permission from this attachment.

      If the permission does not exist in this attachment, nothing will happen.

      name - Name of the permission to remove
    • unsetPermission

      public void unsetPermission(Permission perm)
      Removes the specified permission from this attachment.

      If the permission does not exist in this attachment, nothing will happen.

      perm - Permission to remove
    • remove

      public boolean remove()
      Removes this attachment from its registered Permissible
      true if the permissible was removed successfully, false if it did not exist