程序包 org.bukkit.event.inventory
package org.bukkit.event.inventory
类说明当酿造完成时触发这个事件.Called when an ItemStack is about to increase the fuel level of a brewing stand.点击类型.当一个物品被合成的时候触发这个事件.在物品栏中拖动物品的拖动类型.当一个物品作为燃料被燃烧的时候触发这个事件.当玩家从熔炉取出产物时触发这个事件.当一个物品被熔炼完毕时触发这个事件.用于判断点击物品栏的动作结果.当玩家点击物品栏中的格子时触发事件事件.
译注:事实上打开任意容器的物品栏(包括玩家的背包)后点击任何一个地方都会触发这个事件。当玩家关闭背包时触发本事件This event is called when a player in creative mode puts down or picks up an item in their inventory / hotbar and when they drop items from their Inventory while in creative mode.This event is called when the player drags an item in their cursor across the inventory.代表与玩家相关的物品栏事件An abstract base class for events that describe an interaction between a HumanEntity and the contents of an Inventory.Called when some entity or block (e.g. hopper) tries to move items directly from one inventory to another.当玩家打开物品栏时触发本事件当漏斗/漏斗矿车收起掉落的物品时触发本事件.当物品放入铁砧内,并且可以合成出物品的时候触发该事件